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Acter at a glance

Effective organizing for you.

Send Secure Messages

Chat with others just like in any messenger, but without identifying yourself with a phone number.

Use a multi-toolbox

Use tools and features like public and private groups, update feed, calendar, to-do lists, pins, and many more.

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100% private and secure

Acter's decentralized structure protects data from hacking and censorship, and its end-to-end encryption ensures content is secure.

Fresh & engaging

Acter comes with a fresh and modern design to make it easy and fast to use, allowing a smooth onboarding process.

On-premise trials

Did you know? The Acter License permits everyone to run their own version of Acter in a private instance with less than 100 users free of charge. Perfect if you just want to try it out on your own premise.

Special Offers

We provide discounts and special offers to groups we particularly like to support and see succeed. If any of these conditions apply to you, maybe these offers are of interest for you:

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